Informed Consent

1) Title of Research Study: Measuring the Psychological Properties of Situations and Personality via the Internet
2) Investigator(s): Ryne Sherman, Ph.D.
3) Purpose:
The purpose of this research study is to identify the relationships amongst characteristics of situations people experience in daily life. This research is designed to gather numerous situations and personality information from individuals across the world for future analysis.
4) Procedures:
This study consists of four parts. In the first part, you will first answer some background demographic information about yourself. Next, you will rate 24 items regarding your personality. In the third part of the study, you will describe, in your own words, a specific situation you experienced within the last 24-hours. Finally, you will rate 24 characteristics that may by relevant to the situation you described using a rating scale format. Most people take 10 minutes to complete this survey.

  • ALTERNATIVES: Your alternative is to not participate in the study.
  • INCENTIVES/PAYMENTS TO PARTICIPANTS: You will receive a personalized feedback report on how you acted in your situation. You will not be compensated for your participation.
    5) Risks:
    Because the data is collected via the Internet, we cannot ensure complete security over the information provided. However, we anticipate the possibility of this risk to be extremely low. Otherwise, there are no anticipated risks involved for taking part in this survey. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this study. Depending on how positive or negative the situation that you describe to us, it is possible that you might experience slight psychological discomfort.
    6) Benefits:
    We do not know if you will receive any direct benefits by taking part in this study. You may gain insight into the ways in which you perceive different aspects of your everyday life. However, this research will contribute to a greater understanding of the different goals in an individual’s daily life. In addition, participants who complete the survey will receive a personalized feedback report, which can be saved and shared with others.
    7) Confidentiality:
    No identifying information will be collected or attached to the surveys completed. The data will be stored on a password-protected web-based repository and may only be accessed by members of the Sherman Assessments research team. There is no anticipated time frame for the deletion of this data.
    8) Voluntary Participation / Withdrawal From Study
    Your participation in this research repository is voluntary. You may refuse to participate, or withdraw from the repository at any time, without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. If you cancel your permission after you have started in the research repository, the repository staff will stop collecting your data. However, they may need to use the information they have already collected.
    9) Contact Information:
  • Sherman Assessment and Projections is a sole proprietorship owned and operated by Ryne Sherman, Ph.D. For questions concerning this assessment please contact us at 9) Consent Statement:
    I have read or had read to me the preceding information describing this study. All my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I am 18 years of age or older and freely consent to participate. I understand that I am free to withdraw from the study at any time without penalty. I have received a copy of this consent form.